Establishing a Residential School where one could receive ...not only the ordinary intellectual training —but also the knowledge of leading the practical spiritual life and unfolding ones own inner powers ...for lasting happiness and success in life. Popular education along the lines laid down centuries ago by the Indian Saints and Rishis (wise men) —these have long been the aims and ideals of Swami Yogananda’s heart.

Much of the class-work is done out-of-doors. An agricultural course is given and gardening is one of the occupations. Each group has its own plot of land for growing vegetables, etc. Industrial and commercial training is given in tailoring, spinning, book-binding, cane-work, modelling, typing, bookkeeping, etc. They are taught hygiene, nursing and first-aid work. The regular school subjects such as Languages (English, Sanskrit, Hindu, Urdu and Bengali), History, Science, Mathematics, etc., are taught. There are story-classes and other special provisions for the entertainment and instruction of the younger children, and dramatic and debating societies for the older boys. Excursion outings to distant places—form part of the regular routine ...to encourage love for natural beauty and to accustom the body to bear exertion and fatigue.

But the chief distinguishing feature of the school is the individual attention received by each student and the close study made of his nature and possibilities by his trained teachers who record the general character and psychological development and learning of each child in a chart originated by Swami Yogananda for that purpose. The students are divided in groups —not according to age and intellectual progress— but according to individual moral and spiritual growth. There is promotion to and degradation from these graded groups by a vote of the students themselves in accordance with the change in temperament and habits. The guidance and watchful observation is loving and helpful and each gets practical training in self-reliance and opportunity for growth thru responsibility. They are made to avoid all luxuries and wrongly conceived ideas of happiness. Each student keeps a record on his own changing tendencies and is taught —to make it ones own business to be better, in the very best environment that one can have. The ideal of plain living and high thinking is inculcated by advice and example. The necessity and joy of an exalted moral and spiritual life is brought home to everyone thru general instruction, contact with Saintly men and high-principled teachers and individual direction. There is a marked and favorable change in the general nature of each student who stays at the School for some time, and the atmosphere of harmony, service and happiness is remarked about by all visitors to the Institution.


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