Sunday, October 25, 1925, was a memorable day for Los Angeles. The sun was high in his glory and bathed the city in his healing light. Mount Washington, with its canyon lying by the smooth meandering upward drive, with its scattered homes and majestic trees, with its birds and flowers, vibrated to the one thought that rippled thru the upland air. The Mount Washington Educational Center was to be opened!

Large buses and automobiles brought the visitors and students up from the foot of the mountain to the Center. More than two thousand people filled the halls and front porches. Many could not find standing room, and remained out on the grounds, enjoying the scenic grandeur that lay to view for miles around.

The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers sent by the students of Swami Yogananda and friends from all over America.

The program opened with a fervent prayer offered by Swami Yogananda, who then extended a hearty welcome to all who were interested in the purpose of the Center, the purpose of world-wide, non-sectarian, spiritual all-around education for children and adults. Swami showed the audience pictures of his own Master, Swami Sri Yukteswarji, and of the latter's Master, Swami Lahari Mahashaya. "It is thru my Master's inspiration and help that I have founded this institution," Swami Yogananda said, "and as such, the glory belongs to him. I dedicate this Center to him and to his master. May their blessings ever be upon it."

The Honorable James McLachlan was the next speaker, and in his talk he pointed out what Swami Yogananda meant to him, to America and to the cause of universal constructive education. He said, "This wonderful spot, in my judgment, will become a shining beacon light, like that in the New York harbor, enlightening all the world. Under the inspiration and guidance of the Swami, this place will become a spiritual Mecca to which will flock people from all over the earth."

Swami Yogananda gave the main speech of the afternoon, on "The Purpose of the Mount Washington Educational Center," explaining how thru financial, moral and spiritual cooperation of his students in Los Angeles and throughout America, he had been able to found this Center in fulfillment of one of his lifelong dreams, a Center which has its very dust touched by the inspiration of his soul and every member blessed by the meditations of his heart.

These speeches were interspersed with piano, violin, vocal and orchestral selections which added harmonious beauty and variety to the program. Finally, chant affirmations and healing vibrations were given by Swami Yogananda. The power of the Great Spirit filled the atmosphere and the thrilling Spark Divine coursed thru every fibre of the audience's prayerful hearts. A great peace and joy vibrated throughout the hall.

Refreshments were then served to the guests, and Swami greeted his friends and students from distant cities who had come from afar to be present at this Opening Festival. A procession was formed, and led by Swami Yogananda and Mr. Wellington to the beautiful adjoining "Mission Gardens." There was a short service there under the blue canopy of the sky, by the canyon of silence. Thus ended a great day and began a great work.

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